Request a Consultation
The following questionnaire is to evaluate your eligibility for a complementary video consultation. As this service comes at a cost to Habitations in both time and resources, we can only be as vested in the process as you are. Therefore, like the staff of Habitations, this requires an investment of time and effort on your part as well. The following survey encompasses some 50+ questions that help us understand your specific needs and vision. This information WILL NOT be shared with any 3rd party without your expressed written consent. They are designed not only to establish a baseline for our meeting but moreover to spark your thoughts on topics you may not have considered thus far. We sincerely hope you enjoy the process.
Yes, all questions are important (or we wouldn’t ask) but few are independently critical. Answer them to the best of your ability. More information is better than less. In addition, once you have submitted your survey, you may wish to forward additional photos or support data you feel might be beneficial in expressing your ideal. Simply reference “Supplemental Survey Support” in your email. The submission of this completed form will initiate the process to schedule your consultation. Following our review of the data we’ll be touch by email, phone or both. We look forward to speaking with you soon. It is our sincere hope that this is the beginning of our joint effort in the process of realizing your unique vision.